
Discovering Power, Grace, and Healing in the Name That Is Above Every Name

  • In this insightful and thought-provoking book, Doug Gray explores how to discover the power, grace, and healing in the Name of Jesus demonstrated so compellingly in the Gospels of the New Testament and the Book of Acts. Gray’s conversational writing style makes the timeless truths he uncovers accessible to everyone.

  • Doug Gray is an ordained pastor who, for the past twenty-five years, has served churches in Colorado, Virginia, and South Carolina. He is married (to Tricia) and together they enjoy spending time with their three extraordinary children. Doug is a passionate football fan and enjoys playing pickleball, bocce, and cycling. He and Tricia currently reside in Virginia Beach, Virginia with their Doberman, Bo. Doug longs for the day when the answer to Jesus’ prayer—that we, as the church, may be one even as he [Jesus] and the Father are one—becomes a reality.


Rev. Doug Gray

My prayer is that this book may help people not only recapture a sense of reverence for the Name, but also rediscover a tool in their spiritual arsenal that was so useful and effective for centuries of believers.
— Doug Gray